Holistic Health and Skincare with Holistic Skin Circle

I was blessed growing up to never have to deal with acne. Did I get the occasional blemish? Absolutely, but I never had to to change anything about my routine, my excessive consumption of Frappuccinos, or my two-a-day sweaty workouts six a week as an athlete. Skin was an afterthought and oh how blissful that was! Now that I’ve crossed the 30 year mark my skin has decided to get a bit more complicated- my fine lines are now joined by adult acne and I, quite frankly, and not a fan. The lines? They are fine with me, they’re a badge of the privilege of getting older, but acne spots? Whoever decided that acne and lines should be allowed on the same skin was *not* a very nice person.

However, I know that this acne didn’t just show up out of the blue. Hormone changes as I age, stress and anxiety, changes in diet, lifestyle, and the like (hello pandemic!) can all affect your skin in so many different ways. But everything I did didn’t seem to help- I went from a clear face to constantly having to use concealer (I even tried out foundation for the first time, but if you know me, you know that I ended up looking like a muddy mess! So that was a no-go) and I just got used to the idea that my skin wasn’t going to be perfect and that was okay. And while yes, it is okay, it’s not something that I would ideally have to think about.

I knew I needed to diver deeper into healing my skin in a more holistic way, rather than just throwing expensive oils and stones at it! And that’s where Holistic Skin Circle comes in. Created by Julie Longyear, who became an expert in holistic healing out of necessity, the courses in the Holistic Skin Circle’s repertoire are robust looks into your skin, its triggers, and your lifestyle as a whole- both biological and environmental.

What I know now is that: People need help addressing both biological AND environmental triggers that create problem skin. You need to know your triggers.You need to know what to do about them. And you need to know the specific ways to support your body so it can be its best.

Julie Longyear

I started out with the free quick quiz on the Holistic Skin Circle’s page and signed up for the 5- Day Skin Problem Solver Course and was QUICKLY hooked. The course is professional and beautiful, with videos, journal prompts, printable PDF guides that are great for quickly referencing information and an assessment that can help you discover which of three trigger areas of skin flares that affects you. (Mine turned out to be hormones! Which while I’m not shocked by, it was nice to get confirmation!) I started making small changes to balance my hormones and my skin is looking SO much better already- while I’m writing this I actually have ZERO whiteheads! Yay!

Now, why am I writing this now? Holistic Skin Circle is launching their Signature Course that is an incredible 5-week course that will allow you to deep dive into your skin, your triggers, give you lifestyle strategies, offer you access to meal plans designed by nutritionists with healthy skin in mind, and SO much more. With how much the 5-day course has helped my skin, I can’t even start to imagine how wonderful a five week course will be! So if you’re dealing with skin issues or just want to know more about maintaining healthy skin in a holistic way I HIGHLY encourage you to sign up!

This post was sponsored by Holistic Skin Circle. All opinions and results are my own!

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