Seasonal  Darkness

- Hal Borland

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

For many of us, as we lose the hours of summer sunlight we've grown accustomed to, in autumn and winter have a hard time dealing with the long, dark season. But there are tips and tricks that will help you thrive during the darkness!


Honestly when I wake up before the sun is shining exercise is usually the last thing on my mind- but allowing your body to use exercise to naturally wake up and meet the day can combat the tiredness that comes with a dark morning.


Self Care is Especially Important

During the spring and summer months self care often is a give-in: outdoor walks, enjoying the sun, simple pleasures. In the autumn and winter we have to pay attention to keeping yourselves well and happy.

With darkness comes a lack of external stimuli, so mindfully adding in extra items into your life to wake up your senses is great. Think visual fun like painting a new wall, scent through peppermint, or taking time to listen (and dance!) to music you love.

Stimulate Your Senses

Light Therapy: Natural and Supplemented





Full spectrum light bulbs can be a great addition to light therapy.

Make time to spend time outdoors. A lunch break is perfect!

Situate furniture in bright windows- especially a work desk!