Support Local This Autumn

- Small Business Economic Impact study

For every dollar spent at a local business, about $0.70 stays in the community.

Supporting our local economy does so much more than just supporting our neighbors (though that is important!) - it changes where money stays and what it goes to. Shopping local betters your community from the inside out.

Why shop local?

Local markets are a great way to discover artisans near you! From holiday gifts to seasonal treats, local markets have a wonderful selection of goodies to choose from!

Local Markets

Try Something New

Lots of us tend to get stuck in a rut while staying home. Trying something new- like a photography or cooking class, or a club can help you re-discover your hometown.

Especially in the autumn, taking the time to explore your hometown is so rewarding! Look for fun things like apple picking, choose your own pumpkin, local fairs and the like to create new memories while supporting your neighbors!

Experience Your City

Tips to Make Shopping Local Easier





Coffee Shop Bulletin boards have hidden gems! 

Subscribe to or pick up your local magazine or newspaper.

Adjust your search engine settings to include 'available nearby.'

Use social media to discover new local restaurants.