How To Make Friends at School

- Muhammad Ali

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

One of the most important aspects of school is social! Learning how to make friends in a school environment can be tricky, but will make your experience learning so much more full.

School Friends

Instead of a yes or no question, asking open-ended questions that require a more in-depth answer opens up the channels of communication and allows you to get to know who you're asking!

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Introduce Yourself

While it might seem scary at first, introducing yourself is a great first step to friendship! People often don't break out of their own bubbles, so inserting yourself into theirs provides and opportunity to do so!

Simple things like making eye contact and smiling, offering a compliment, or reaching out to lend a pen all open the lines of communication in a positive way.

Be Positive

Technology for Friends





Use the internet to (safely) connect with like minded people through games or forums.

Use social media to connect with classmates.

Try Bumble BFF to easily match with friends.

Use video chatting to study, stay in touch, and plan!