Quarantine Workouts with Adidas #Sponsored

As someone who used to flit in and out of half a dozen workout establishments from yoga and spin studios to traditional and climbing gyms on a weekly basis, the advent of Covid-19 definitely threw a wrench in my routine. The silver lining is that it has guided me to get outside and explore my neighborhood more! Usually when I think of exploring the outdoors here in Colorado I tend to jump in my car and head to the mountains, but with travel restricted I’ve discovered a whole new world of possibilities just a few minutes away!

Instead of the regiment of fitness classes, I’ve grabbed my pups and gone on long, leisurely walks punctuated by zooming around kicking up dust with my two sled dogs running beside me. I don’t think I ever quite understood how freeing not having a plan might be. With classes you have a set time and an instructor is there to create an experience, with hiking you follow a trail, but with this natural, intuitive exploration it doesn’t matter. I can go for a run or a walk, or sometimes just sit down and watch the sunset dip behind the mountains instead.

But with this new way of thinking and working out comes the need for the correct pair of shoes! You all know that I love (and own!) so many pairs of Adidas sneakers, that work in a bunch of different ways for me depending on which gym I’m headed to, but I needed to find out which shoe fit with my new lifestyle the best! I took a peek at Adidas’ ‘How to Choose Running Shoes’ blog and decided on one my favorite styles, the Ultraboost 20s because of it’s versatility. It’s a springy shoe so is great for long walks and recovery runs, but also my favorite part is the upper!

The Ultraboost’s upper not only feels like a sock (perfect for someone with narrow feet like I have!) but is also made with yarn spun from Parley Ocean Plastic! As someone who is very passionate about plastic waste and sustainability, the fact that a large company is taking steps to mitigate plastic waste while creating shoes that are supportive, gorgeous, and really practical for all of my needs makes my eco-friendly heart so happy! Add that to the fact that there is a metallic pink color that changes as it moves on the cushioning- you can’t dream up a more perfect shoe for me!

So whether your HIIT workouts have transitioned to 14 mile runs in the hills (I had a friend who told me 14 miles is ‘short’ for her now!) or you’re more of a leisurely stroller like I am, Adidas has the perfect running shoe for you! I think it is so important to evolve and grow in our practices as Covid-19 continues to shape our world- I know at first I had a hard time finding grace in switching my routine. So take a look at the little things that might make your life feel a bit more ‘normal,’ if that is a new pair of shoes or discovering fun new areas near where you live, all the better!I’d love to know- in what ways have your habits in the fitness world changed since quarantine happened this year? Let me know over on Instagram!

This post is sponsored by adidas, all opinions are my own.

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