DIY: Headache Relief Bath Soak
I’m going to just come out and say it- headaches are the worst. I come from a family with incredibly high pain tolerances when it comes to physical maladies; break a bone? Wrap it up and finish the game, tear a muscle (four in my case) don’t realize and try to walk on it (if you were wondering, that did *not* go well- I promptly fell back down!) but a headache?! I turn into the biggest baby on the planet. Pain that you can’t add pressure to to make it feel better is not my favorite thing in the world. However, things I do love? Baths! And when it comes to headaches a hot bath with some wonderfully smelling additives- my Headache Relief Bath Soak- can help ease the pain and make you feel pampered at the same time.
When it comes to headaches and baths there are a bunch of different aspects that can help you. First, and the most obvious is the heat! Temperature therapy (either hot or cold) can help to numb (cold) or ease tension (heat) between the two I am very much so a heat aficionado- so drawing a hot bath and sinking in all the way up to your neck can help ease the pressure of tension headaches. Then, as we add things into the bath we start working with magnesium and aromatherapy!
Headache Relief Bath Soak Ingredients
I used both peppermint leaves and peppermint essential oil in my bath today to double up on the relief! But you can use whichever you have on hand. Peppermint’s active ingredient is menthol, which is great for opening up your sinuses to relieve pressure, can calm down nausea, and relieve stress as well. Peppermint oil is actually proven to help with headaches (see this study!) so it is one of the first ingredients I grab when a headache is coming on!
Once again, I used both eucalyptus leaves and eucalyptus essential oil in my bath today! Similar to peppermint, eucalyptus is another scent that can help open up your airways to relieve pressure and tension- two big causes of headaches, especially when the weather is changing and the barometric pressure drops! Eucalyptus is also really wonderful for your skin. It’s a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant that will lead to healthy, vibrant skin.
Both lavender essential oil and lavender flowers are two of my favorite things to add into a bath! Lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory (can you see a pattern here?!) and is also incredibly soothing for both mind and body.
Himalayan Sea Salt and Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt and Himalayan sea salt help soothe skin and muscle ache with its high dose of magnesium- an anti-inflammatory mineral. Less muscle tension? Less headache pressure!
Crystals and Candlelight
You know that I love my crystals so I popped two different types of stones into my bath as well- amethyst, a stone known for healing, and raw hematite, a grounding stone that can help calm down frenetic energy- easing the anxiety that can come along with a bad headache. I also turn down the lights and light candles instead! Harsh lights, especially when you start heading into migraine territory, can be painful, so bathing by candlelight, especially if that candle is lavender, can be both helpful for your headache pain and feel extra luxurious!
When it comes to this headache relief bath soak, no specific recipe is needed! Draw a hot bath, toss in the ingredients you have on hand, turn down the lights, and relax! Put down the phone, and let yourself just be and let tension and your headache melt away!
I’d love to know, what common ailments would you like to see eased by a bath? Let me know in the comments below! Sending you healing vibes!
Some links are affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Contact your physician before starting any new therapeutic practices.
This looks A M A Z I N G! I usually get in the tub with essential oils but sometimes I feel they are too harsh. I’m going to give this a go! Thank you for posting…too much computer work leads to headaches…..
This looks A M A Z I N G! I usually get in the tub with essential oils but sometimes I feel they are too harsh. I’m going to give this a go! Thank you for posting…too much computer work leads to headaches…..
Wow, This looks A M A Z I N G! I usually get in the tub with essential oils, however, they get a bit strong! Think I’ll try this tonight, I have been working on a computer all day! Thanks for this.
Just made a dead sea salt bath with kaolin, coconut oil, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender essential oils and put a crystal in too for headache and anxiety.. Feeling better