Do It Yourself: Valentine’s Day Mason Jar Treats

Hello Darlings!

So. I’ve seen Valentine’s day stuff floating around the internet for a good month (btw, I’m also guilty a la: Valentine’s Day Wishlist) but it is officially February and that means I can actually post Valentine’s Day things without looking silly. Yay! So to kick off the festivities (and the obligatory sugar consumption) I’m sharing a fun gift cum decoration that’s fun for both kids and adults- I count as the latter, sometimes.

What You’ll Need:

– Mason Jars in Various Sizes
– Transparent Glass Paint
– Lots of Valentine’s Day Candy
– Valentine’s Day Ribbon
– Small Tea Light Votives
– Tea Lights


1. Paint thoroughly washed mason jars with translucent glass paint, leaving an oval as a “window” to see the candy through. No need to be too careful, the paint dries gorgeously!

2. Let dry completely.
3. Fill about an inch of the mason jars with candy hearts.

4. Nestle a tea light in its votive into the candy hearts.

5. Surround the tea light with additional candy, arranging it in front of the paintless “window” so you can see what is inside.

6. Screw on the mason jar lid, then tie a bow with Valentine’s Day ribbon on its edge.

7. Display!

8. After all of the candy is eaten (the candy hearts can stay or go!) remove the jar’s lid and light the candle inside for a fun way to light your Valentine’s Day meal!

What are you planning on doing as far as decorating for Valentine’s Day? I’ve never been a full out decorating fiend, but I do like a few sweet touches like these jars!

Like these jars? Make sure to check out my Mason Jar Easter Baskets!

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